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About me

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Veera Romanoff 


Veera Romanoff is a Finnish contemporary artist and architect. After completing practical courses in drawing, painting, and sculpture, she successfully obtained her degree from the Moscow Architectural Institute in 1992, further developing her skills and artistic style.


Residing and creating in Finland, Veera draws inspiration from the legacy of Fauvism by Matisse, giving her works freedom of form and the chromatic chaos of metamodernism. Her work is characterized by the interplay of aesthetics and visual language, juxtaposing colorless routine with vibrant hues and free forms.


With a successful career as an architect and experience as an artist, Veera bridges functionality and beauty across various forms of art, engaging in a constant dialogue between art, contextual space, and technology.


Participation in art exhibitions such as the New York 2024, London 2024, Synergy Art Fair/Art Miami Week 2023, Art Fair San Francisco 2024 - has brought Veera recognition on both national and international levels. Over 300 paintings created from 2015 to 2024 are held in private collections in more than 20 countries worldwide, including the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, the Netherlands, China, Israel, Greece, Finland, Cyprus and Canada.



I believe in the power of color and the might of time.

Color is my passion.

My inclination to draw inevitably transforms into a desire to experiment, making each color a symbol of feelings and emotions.

Time is an artist who redraws the world every day.

Time creates and erases, and I want to capture its ephemeral nature in my works, depicting its flow through the black-and-white void of contemporary visual art.

My works can be perceived as an interpretation of Matisse's Fauvism legacy, where aesthetics and visual signs are interconnected, and saturated colors, bold compositions, and free forms stand against the surrounding colorless reality and monochromatic routine.

I am an architect and an artist. In the chaos of the modern world, old orders crumble, and new ones are built at the wrong pace. Architectural forms merge with art, and walls serve not only as protection but also speak the language of emotions. I want to integrate abstraction and modern trends into my projects, seeking a balance between technological progress and preserving the values of art that reflect the spirit of the times and contribute to the evolution of art. Art knows no bounds in its pursuit of new expressions, displaying fragility and unwavering faith in the values and beauty of the world.

We stand on the threshold of creating a new visual culture.

By creating an environment for transforming emotions into visual art, I contribute to active philosophical reflection and engage the viewer in a dialogue about the variability of perception. This interaction allows the viewer to feel the profound tremor of life and create their own interpretations.


With love for color and faith in birds in our hearts.




1986-1992 Architect's Degree Moscow Architectural University (MARHI)

Additional Training:

1986-1992 Sketching / Classical Drawing Course

1986-1992 Painting and Color Theory

1986-1992 Theory of Architectural Composition

1988-1992 Sculpture and Plastic Design

1988-1992 Aesthetics

1990-1992 Art History

1990-1992 History of Architecture

1991-1993 Culture Studies


Solo Exhibitions:

2024 Mai-Art Gallery, Lappeenranta, Finland

2022 Cross Church exhibition space, Lahti, Finland

2020 Mai-Art Gallery, Lappeenranta, Finland

2019 Culture Center Virta, Imatra, Finland

2018 Finland 100 Years, Cultural Center Nuijamies, Lappeenranta, Finland

2015 Imatra City Hall lobby, Imatra, Finland

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2024 Perseus Gallery, Broadway, New York, USA

2024 Times Square, HMVC Gallery, ArtPlacer, New York, USA

2024 London Frieze week, TBC, London , UNITED KINGDOM

2024 Platforms Project, Public Tobacco Factory – Hellenic Parliament Library+Neon, Athens, Greece

2024 Cultural Center “Melina” - Museum of Athens Municipality, Group Art Exhibition, Athens, Greece

2024 Art Fair San Francisco, San Francisco, USA

2023 Synergy Art Fair Exhibition/ Art Miami Week, Miami, USA

2023 Mai-Art Gallery, Lappeenranta, Finland

2018 Finland 100 Years, Op-bank, Finland / Karelian National Theatre, Petrozavodsk, Russia

2017 Design-zavod Flacon, Moscow, Russia

2017 Culture Center Virta, Imatra, Finland

2017 Finland 100 Years, Library of National Literatures, St. Petersburg, Russia

2016 Imatrarium Gallery, Imatra, Finland

2015 Event, Culture House Virta, Imatra, Finland



2016 Double 1st Prize. Ideation Competition. Urban sculpture.

2017 Artworks installed in Imatra, Finland.


Selected Curatorial Activities:

2019 Art Platform Norppa, Cultural Platform, Imatra, Finland

2018 Art Platform Norppa, Cultural Platform, Imatra, Finland 

2018 Culture Center Virta, Imatra, Finland

2017 Culture Center Virta, Imatra, Finland

2017 Art Platform Norppa, Cultural Platform, Imatra, Finland

2017 Collaboration with Borei Art Center, St. Petersburg, Imatra Art Museum, Finland

2017 Culture Center Virta, Imatra, Finland

2016 Culture Center Virta, Imatra, Finland

2016 Three exhibitions, Art Platform Norppa, Cultural Platform, Imatra, Finland

2016 Collaboration with the Imatran Art Academy, Art Platform Norppa, Cultural Platform, Imatra, Finland

2016 Imatrarium Gallery, Imatra, Finland

2015 Double exhibitions, Imatra, Finland



2019 Finnish Artists' Association

2011 Finnish Association of Architects SAFA


Educational Programs:

2022-23 Children's Art Education Program, Home studio, Lahti, Finland

2017-19 Classical Academic Pencil Drawing Course, Imatra, Finland

2016-18 "Children's Saturdays" – Collaboration with UNICEF and Imatra Main Library, Imatra, Finland

2011-17 Children's Art Education Program, Home studio, Imatra, Finland

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